What is Parliament | Parliament: The Institution that Governs a Nation

What is Parliament | Parliament: The Institution that Governs a Nation

A parliament is a legislative body, typically composed of representatives elected by the citizens of a country, that is responsible for making and passing laws. It is the institution that governs a nation and represents the will of the people.

The structure of a parliament can vary depending on the country, but generally, it is composed of two chambers: the lower house and the upper house. The lower house, also known as the House of Commons, is usually where most of the legislative work takes place and is typically composed of representatives elected by the citizens. The upper house, also known as the Senate or House of Lords, serves as a revising chamber and is often composed of appointed or hereditary members.

Parliamentary systems of government can be found in countries all over the world, including the United Kingdom, Canada, India, Australia, and many European countries. Each country has its own unique parliamentary system, with different powers, procedures and traditions.

The work of parliament can be divided into two main categories: law-making and representation. The primary function of parliament is to make laws, which are then enforced by the executive branch of government. Members of parliament also represent the interests of their constituents by raising issues and concerns on their behalf, and by holding the government accountable for its actions.

Parliamentary systems also have a separation of powers, which means that the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government are separate and have distinct responsibilities. The legislative branch, which is parliament, makes laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws.

In summary, a parliament is a legislative body composed of representatives elected by the citizens of a country, responsible for making and passing laws, representing the will of the people, and holding the government accountable. It is a fundamental institution of a democratic government and plays a crucial role in ensuring that the government works for the benefit of the citizens.


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